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Created 12-Apr-15
482 photos, 1 videos

*The most current photos of pups will be from the end, as I add photos they go to the end of picutres. So the first photos are from way back in the day*

As we are entering into 2025 here at CC's I am doing my best to use not only my trusty camera for still photos but am also trying to embrace social media.... at this point I am constantly thinking is this necessary or not?

As I wade through this new era (remember 40 years ago, we had not internet, smart phones ect...)

The latest phase is now AI... I look at things and honestly think to myself is this for real or is it AI generated? I know I can't be the only one.
Anyway.... this gallery has been created for the sole purpose for those who visit my site to see the quality of pups that we here at CCs have been producing over the years.

Please note there may be multiple pictures of the same puppy as it matures.

I am using my Instagram and can be found I have started using this for mostly short videos and day to day things.

This is also a way for me to share privately updates to my puppy families.
I'm going to do my best to continue to learn and grow along with technology.
Some things change but others remain the same.

My pups get superior care in an environment you can be proud to say I have a Classy Country Cocker! Although now with my trusty I phone and the internet I can not only tell you how well your pup is being tended to be show you.
As Always,
Stephanie and the Crew

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