New Arrivals and Important Information
I use this link for updates and CC News. So please take the time to view it.
No pups are on the way at this time
If you are not on my Instagram you are not seeing all the videos and updates on my moms to be and the crew in general. I put all that information out there for you, my families to view. If you don't take the time to check it out that's up to you. l have said time and again my Instagram account suits loading videos and quick updates much better than my conventional website format.
This link will take you to a few galleries that I share day to day and family photos
Direct link to products
handy link to see all my groups of galleries
One gallery that is a must see is my "Cute and Cuddly Gallery" this is where you can view past pups that I've had throughout the years. I keep this up to date and add photos throughout the weeks when I have pups a litter of pups. This will help you to see the quality of pups that are produced with our lines.
Current pups are posted to this gallery
Don't forget to always visit my I'm going to make a Calendar someday Gallery This gallery will give you a look at our CC Crew as they mature and seasonal photos.